Finding empty parking spots in parking lots attached to places that see a lot of traffic (like malls and stores in large cities) can be a challenging and time-consuming process, especially if the parking lots are large.

GoParkMe provides a solution by helping users find empty parking spots quickly and easily using image recognition techniques on images retrieved from a livestream video.

The application is accessible by users through a frontend that shows users which parking spaces are vacant, decreasing the time users waste finding parking and increasing time spent shopping in malls and stores. GoParkMe’s AWS-based architecture gives it scalability, speed, and high availability.

Github repo

Tech: AWS Lambda (Python), IAM, EventBridge, Sagemaker, DynamoDB, S3

Personal tasks: Created capture-screenshots lambda, Eventbridge event, and upload to S3 bucket triggers, in addition to assisting with Cloudformation and generate-data lambda..

Worked with Hikaru Ikebe, Sean Capaloff-Jones, Urvee Onkar Ausekar

Architecture diagram.
