Automated data analyst. Tech: Ruby on Rails, SQLLite, OpenAI
Automated data analyst. Tech: Ruby on Rails, SQLLite, OpenAI
Improve handwriting with custom feedback.
Overview of Projects.
Manage roomate communications with Suitemates. Tech: React, HTML, CSS, Figma
Created an AI chatbot which uses Yelp data to recommend restaurants to users based on their requirements. Tech: AWS Lambda (Python), IAM, Lex, SQS, DynamoDB,...
A photo album web application that can be searched using NLP through both text and voice. Tech: AWS - Lambda (Python), Rekognition, S3, Lex, Transcribe, JS,...
Find parking spots in parking lots using livestreamed video and AI. Tech: AWS Lambda (Python), IAM, Sagemaker, DynamoDB, S3
Project topics included search problems, games, Markov decision processes, reinforcement learning, Bayesian Networks, Markov Models, and machine learning. Te...
Various projects, such as the XTO to UPST domain upgrade, reporting upgrades, and Crystal Reports to SSRS conversions.
Wellview and Siteview Integration projects in SQL.
Project manager and Lead Developer for the Greyhound adoption website project in MIS 374, where our student team worked with a local business to create an ec...
Created a new site for the Women’s Interest Network at ExxonMobil using HTML/CSS/JS/XOM Unity. Created new theme for Women’s History Month.
Learned Adobe Illustrator to design the slogan and design for merch during the Grace Hopper Celebration.